To promote organic, natural gardening that encourages "growing your own"

We promote Community Gardening!
We promote Community Gardening!
Our amazing Gardeners are committed to Garden growth, harmony and sharing gardening ideas! Think you would be a good fit? Contact us!
Old Farm Community Gardens is located in the Old Farm Community in Colorado Springs. All are welcome to become a member.
We here at Old Farm Community Gardens pledge to create harmony in our garden and promote gardening to everyone.
Old Farm Community Gardens is a 2.5 acre site located in the hills of the Old Farm subdivision in Colorado Springs, CO. There are 58 plots. We have an open membership to any person or family that wishes to garden. We encourage organic garden methods. To cover the cost of water and insurance there is an annual fee based on the size of the plot.
The annual cost is .17 cents per square foot with each plot averaging 20 ft by 20 ft (or about $68 per year). This fee pays for water usage and covers small administrative costs. Each garden plot requires a one-time $35 deposit (refundable when you leave the garden with a cleared plot). There presently is a wait list. We encourage organic gardening. Most of our gardeners use compost, alpaca, cow or horse manure to enrich their soil. Since our gardens are about 6800 feet above sea level it is important to know what and when to plant. Some of us employ many season extending methods to get a fruitful crop. Please contact us to share what works for you or ask us about what we do. We have had great success with onions, garlic, leeks, carrots, broccoli, squash of all kinds, spinach, lettuce, sweet corn, beans, cucumbers, parsnips, peppers, peas, cabbage. kale, beets, chard, collards, turnips and herbs of all kinds. Many gardeners have had great success growing tomatoes under plastic hoop tunnels. If you are interested in reserving a plot please visit the contact us page and submit a request to be on the wait list.
Are you interested in gardening with us? Contact us to be placed on our Wait List for a Plot!